CalStar - May 2024

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CalStar 2024
Al and I arrived early on Tuesday afternoon, followed shortly after by Randy, in the white RV. We had the run of the place until mid-day the next day.

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Just another view.

CalStar 2024
My friend Richard decided to set up on the opposite side of the field. He had three telescope rigs going all at once.



CalStar 2024 
Al setting up.

CalStar 2024

CalStar 2024
Dinner on the first evening.


CalStar 2024
Wednesday afternoon the field started filling up. We ended up with only about 40 people.

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Can't remember the name of the fellow on the left. Seated: Randy, Bill and Steve.

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One evening for dinner, Randy set up his gas-powered pizza oven and treated us to pizza. What a treat! the fellow in the lower-right is Dan. He cooks up breakfast for all at the Fall CalStar.

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Ron's spot - getting ready to attack the Herschel 400 again. :)

CalStar 2024
One morning we had a valley full of fog. It's starting to lift. Earlier it was pretty thick. This year we did have some dew problems for a while in the evenings.

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A couple of wives of some other astronomers came by when I had my solar scope set up. They were a fun-loving pair and were having a lot of fun. 

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  Posing with the solar scope.

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Bill and Randy.

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A shot with the ladies and Bill. Sorry, but I can't recall their names.

CalStar 2024
Here is a short video of the astronomy field early in the morning.
Just click on the image below.

Except as noted all images Copyright © by Ron Yelton and may not be used without permission.

Contact Ron at - aileron355 at aol dot com