GSSP 2024
Arrived late in the morning and got all set up before it got too hot. The field in
the picture just beyond the telescope would be completely full by the next evening. In the meantime, what a great sunset view of Mt. Shasta!
GSSP 2024
  Andy was one of my next door neighbors.
GSSP 2024  
There's Steve with Andy.. 

GSSP 2024
Took a nice nap in the shade of my cargo van. When I woke up, there was Bill. He had set up a home-made solar telescope. This is the back of the projection box (the screen). Just in front of the blue tent in the distance is a mirror that projects the sun into the screen.
GSSP 2024
Here's Bill with his solar scope. He rigged up a motor for the mirror so that it can track the sun and keep it centered on the screen in the distance. It worked really well. Very cool!
GSSP 2024
Steve had a handful of home-made telescopes with him on this trip. This is one of them. He also likes to build kayaks. This one was built from the scraps of one of his kayaks. Beautiful finish and it's got a great mirror in it for some fabulous views.

GSSP 2024
Here's Bills' screen just in front of my rig.
GSSP 2024
Bill on the left getting set up with Steve's four telescopes to the right.
GSSP 2024
Bill setting up. This year the temperatures were in the 90s, so most guys waited until the sun was setting before they set up their gear on the first night. The last two days of the star party were over 100. Ouch!

GSSP 2024
Stave and his scopes in front of his RV
GSSP 2024
Steve's binocular telescope aimed at my van.
GSSP 2024
Gotta get at least one shot of me to prove that I was there :)

GSSP 2024
Once the sun  started to set the temps dropped rapidly, but the nights were very pleasant. This year the night skies were exceptional. I was able to find around 25 objects on the Herschel 400 list (very faint objects) on each of the five nights. In fact, I found 4 galaxies that were mag -13. I didn't think my 9.25" scope was capable of seeing that faint, but the skies were dark enough for just that. So - yay!
GSSP 2024
Our good friend, Annie made it for a couple of days before heading back home.
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Annie's SO, Al, He's all set to go for the night.

GSSP 2024
Parked under my neighbor's tent trying to stay cool (which was impossible). Rod and Frank were both ex-military so we had lots of stories to swap.
GSSP 2024
My new scope. Just kidding - it's good to have a good fantasy life :)
GSSP 2024
Bill being silly.

GSSP 2024
Neighbor, Frank
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Neighbor, Rod..
GSSP 2024
An old friend, Kirk made it to GSSP this year. It was his first time and I think he had a pretty good time. Nice to see him again.

GSSP 2024
GSSP 2024
Steve and Bill enjoying the last sunset of GSSP 2024
GSSP 2024
Another Successful Golden State Star Party.


GSSP 2024
  Here is a link to Kirk's GSSP pictures. Kirk got some great ones this year.
Click here or on the picture blow.

  Except as noted all images Copyright © by Ron Yelton and may not be used without permission.